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Friday, October 7, 2011

STITMA UNIROW is changed and Updated

UNIROW is another new improved portal to gather all information about Universitas Ronggolawe. While it is really hard to get source of information, Many people find it in Facebook or through google. Everything about Unirow including but not limited to unirow asia, Logo Unirow, Tpl Unirow and other are available at those site. The site was really slow due to so many user accessing the site. daily visitor was 4.500 until 16.000 Unique visitors with more than 10.000 - 25.000 Pageviews daily. due to slow network and hardware issues, the real Unique visitors and pageviews may drop or increase depend on the server uptime.
UNIROW mentioned in the link above had the stats changed. The article was written in 2011 and the stats was remain true. However, it have been changed in 2012. In this updated post, it only have 500 visitors until 1500 daily visitors. The impressions is twice that amounts. The difference was huge. It is caused by the site was changed couple of times. At this moment, the performance is steady and stable.
STITMA UNIROW has lose the higher stats due to so many broken links. While migrating to Blogspot, many permalink errors occurred and thus made it lost thousands of customers. When this post was published, it seems the website have been changed back to wordpress blog and serving visitors and public with latest information about UNIROW. Anyone who really want the latest information about it can grab the articles over there.
STITMA UNIROW had been changed the title many times. It changed to UNIROW STITMA and remain popular with that name for couple months. Suddenly it changed to STITMA UNIROW again. Recently, it seems the name has been changed again to UNIROW TUBAN EDUCATION BLOG. The decision to rename the blog was taken to make visitors fully recognized it again. In future, the name maybe changed again or remain the same.

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